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die morecare Week 


MoreCare Week: #AskTheScene with Jenny and Ulf vom Rocken Hilft

When we talk about mental health, we mustn't forget one thing: all the other formations that stand up for the interests and support of people. Today we concentrate on the Rocken Hilft, which was put together by the Essen Charity Rock Music Festival team.

In order to pursue their guiding principle, the enstigmatization of mental illnesses, they allow public figures, such as artists and musicians, to have their say. Experts, such as psychologists, are also the focus of the campaign with their statements. In terms of content, the initiative works with Prof. Dr. Eggers Foundation. Our interview as part of MoreCare Week is about how something like this can work and what Heaven Shall Burn, for example, have to do with it.

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