ROCKEN HILFT aims to draw attention to the situation of people with mental disorders, providing information and reducing fear and prejudice.
We want to ensure that help arrives where it is needed and is not slowed down or even prevented by prejudice.
Anyone who recognizes their problems and actively works or wants to work on them should not feel ashamed of them or feel excluded.
DESTIGMATIZATION of mental disorders - that's what ROCKEN HILFT stands for
The focus of our campaign is:
STATEMENTS from public figures, including artists & musicians and experts, such as B. Psychologists;
ATTENTION POSTS, with which we educate about different topics. Psychotherapists and psychologists (among others from the Prof. Dr. Eggers Foundation) support and advise us.
More information about the ROCKEN HILFT FESTIVAL can be found on our festival page:
Tickets available at Eventim Light, Eventim and all known presale outlets.
Get your tickets here: TICKETLINK
*For better readability, we only use the masculine form. All genders are always meant.
Wir sind nicht allein und auch Du wirst nicht allein gelassen!
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(Die Liste der Anlaufstellen wird ständig erweitert und bearbeitet)
zu Gast bei:
Video statements:
Check them out - there's nothing to add! 💯💯
"It is not a weakness to be helped, but a strength."
(Prof. Dr. Eggers)
Our message to you:
Bands about mental health, music and your strength
Nathan Gray (Boysetsfire)
Music has a very unique power - it brings healing, comfort and understanding. It does not judge, demean or shame. It holds us when we feel alone, and cheers for us in our quiet triumphs. It makes us feel part of a family. As a human who personally understands the importance of mental health, I am more than honored to support an organization offering help to the young people who need it most.
In strange and scary times like now, its easy to disappear into the background and feel alone. It‘s not easy but it is important to ask for help. Ask a brother, a sister, a parent ... ask a friend, a neighbor or a colleague. Make a call or send a text. If you can speak the truth about how you really feel - it‘s possible that others are feeling the same way as you do. Just knowing that you are not alone can really help get through the dark times ... never give up! - JINJER
Andras Dörner
Mental and psychotic disorders are sometimes the worst there are. Many tragedies, many suicides could be prevented with the right help. Help the helpers to help, or cry out if you need help!
I shout my burdens from my body on stage, a good valve ...
Music is Cure!
We are always looking for strong voices for our campaign ROCKEN HILFT !
Get in touch using our contact form.
In terms of content, we work with Prof. Dr. Eggers Foundation.
As a registered association
With the donations we collect, we support institutions that take care of mentally disordered children and young people.
Rock with us!
Every donation counts:
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Sparkasse Essen
IBAN: DE28 3605 0105 0008 7411 26
*Aus Gründen der besseren Lesbarkeit verwenden wir nur die männliche Form. Gemeint sind stets alle Geschlechter.